Bus for Students to Tallahassee

This is it. Florida’s Don’t Say Gay bill has one final stop before it hits the governor’s desk: the Senate floor. If we’re going to stop it, this is our chance.

The same organizers who put together this week's "Don't Say Gay" Walkouts across the state have organized one last march against the "Don't Say Gay" bill. And an amazing group of supporters from the Miami area have put together an overnight charter bus to send students and supporters up to the rally. 

This bus is not cheap. And while most of the costs have been covered, we want to make sure this trip is well-supplied with food and that the organizers are not covering too much out of their own pockets.

To that end, our caucus is trying to raise $1,000. Anything that does not go to this bus will be used in our organizing efforts to send more pro-equality candidates to Tallahassee. Please contribute what you can.

$575.00 raised
GOAL: $1,000.00

1. Amount


2. Your information

Law requires we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed put "self-employed" in employer and describe your occupation.
Contributions are not tax deductible.

3. Payment information
