There are lots of ways you can get involved to help us build grassroots power in Miami-Dade! Here are just some of the things you can do:
- Become a member: Becoming a member of the Flamingo Democrats enables you to vote on resolutions and in caucus elections, and to run for caucus office. In short, it gives you a voice in shaping the caucus's future! Dues are just $30 (Voting Member) or $20 (Non-Voting Member) for the year and payable by cash, check, or credit card at one of our meeting or events, or pay by credit card through our website.
Run for an officer position: Every year at our annual meeting, we hold elections for our chapter's officers. These positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to three Board Director. Any member in good standing may run for these roles. Are you interested in running? Or interested in nominating someone else for one of these roles? Elections will be held in December! Contact any Board Member or send an e-mail to FlamingoDemocrats at gmail dot com.
Join a caucus committee: You can also join any of the following committees:
- Membership: This Committee recruits new members, notify members of renewals and arrearages, and confirm that all persons wishing membership are, registered Democrats.
- Media and Public Relations : This committee manages the club's email and social media channels.
- Campaign: This committee works to involve candidates, elected officials in club events and run our Voter Registration efforts.
- Program: This committee plans the speaking program for each regular general membership meeting of the organization, and organizes the Caucus's involvement with events like Miami Beach Pride, Wynwood Pride, and Town Halls.
- Strategic Planning: This Committee, chaired by the Vice President, develops a strategic planning document for Board and general membership approval. They maintain, update, and revise the plan if necessary, and monitor achievements against plan benchmarks.
- Bylaws and Rules: This Committee, co-chaired by the Parliamentarian, reviews all changes to the bylaws, special rules, and standing rules and reports on any such changes to the Board and general membership, reviews proposed amendments to the bylaws expeditiously and shall report its recommendations at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
- Nominating and Election: This Committee, presides over and conducts the election process for Caucus Officers. Following each vote, this Committee collects and counts ballots, and announces the results at the end of the count.
- Finance: Prepares the caucus budget for the fiscal year, submit quarterly reports on budget performance and may submit amendments to the budget.
- Ways and Means: This committee explores and recommends manners of fundraising and shall coordinate all such fundraising activities.
- Audit: This Committee, comprised of at least three members. The the committee audits the Treasurer’s books, the annual financial report, quarterly reports, or any other financial reports required to be audited by the Board or general membership.
Another way to become involved with with Caucus: Members and Associate Members can also take on the responsibility of the Caucus's Parliamentarian
Parliamentarian: Advises the President, other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure. The Parliamentarian does not vote on any matters before the organization, except for the balloting for officers. The Parliamentarian shall co-chair the Bylaws and Rules Committee.
Are you interested in any of these appointed roles? Let us know by emailing us at flamingodemocrats [at] gmail [dot] com.