Leadership Elections in February 2023

In February of 2023, we will hold our annual meeting, where we will conduct our leadership elections. Per our bylaws, all positions in the executive board are up for election at this time. Officers are:  President Vice President Secretary Treasurer and up to three Directors. Continue reading

Flamingo Democrats Plan Days of Action For Pro-Equality Democrats For the 2022 Midterm Election

The Flamingo Democrats are organizing the LGBTQ+ community and our allies in Miami-Dade to get organized and fight back against the extreme Republican attacks on our lives. We need to get out and volunteer for these candidates, because we can win. There is strength in numbers which is why we're joining up with SAVE, the Miami-Dade Young Dems, Ruth’s List Miami, other groups and our amazing candidates to do a series of joint canvasses from now until Election Day.   Continue reading